Negative Effects of Weed

The Effects of Weed Network believes in educating you, the readers, more about both the negative effects of weed as well as the positive effects of weed, so that you can have a full understanding of the entire picture that is painted in regards to the use of marijuana.
Whether you are a user, a patient, or a concerned individual, by keeping yourself informed on the effects of weed, you can make more powerful decisions in regards to it and decide what impact you want it to have in your own.

Short-term Negative Effects of Weed
  • Loss of coordination – People who use weed have diminished motor skills and have a hard time being able to do even the simplest tasks. At no point while under the effects of weed should you operate heavy or dangerous equipment or attempt to drive. Many people feel that their ability to drive is unchanged while under the effects of weed, but this is completely false. Your perception of your abilities may not change, but that has no bearing on reality.

  • Short-term Memory and Learning – While experiencing the effects of weed, users will have a much more difficult time recalling short-term memories. This also greatly affects the ability to learn as much of the learning process is dependent on your brain’s ability to form memories. If you are in a situation where you need your mind’s full capacities such as when going to school, it would be wise to shy away from the effects of weed as you will not get much out of it. This will most likely not pose any mortal danger to anyone, but it can still be very irresponsible if not used at appropriate times.

  • Problem Solving – This is another one of the negative effects of weed that greatly affects your mind’s ability to function correctly. While under its influence, users will find they have a difficult time reasoning and solving otherwise simple problems. This is another one of the effects of weed that most likely wouldn’t cause yourself or anyone major harm but could be very detrimental in your ability to perform well in places like work or school.

  • Increased Heart Rate – Shortly after using weed, the user will experience a jump in heart rate much like a physically demanding activity would. While this is not strikingly dangerous to a healthy heart , it is cause for concern for people who suffer from heart diseases where keeping their heart rate down is a necessity.

  • Anxiety and Paranoia – These effects of weed are going to vary greatly from user to user. Some regular users who suffer from anxiety say using weed helps alleviate their anxiety while others say it greatly increases the severity of the anxiety and can often induce panic attacks. Paranoia is also very common, but is often relatively minor if existent at all. You may have thoughts like the cops could show up at your door at any moment, but you probably won’t find yourself building a bomb shelter for your imagined collapse of mankind.
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Long-term Negative Effects of Weed
  • Addiction – Many who use weed have little trouble using it responsibly, but there is also a large group of people who become psychologically addicted to the drug. One major misconception of using weed is that it is not at all addictive, but that is only true of physical symptoms. In other words, if someone quits using weed after prolonged heavy use (6 months+), they won’t suffer any sort of withdrawals or physical symptoms. However, it is very likely they will have a hard time accepting not being able to use and will use every excuse in the book to keep using. There are many differing opinions on what constitutes a weed use problem, and some feel even though they may be addicted, the positive effects outweigh the negative effects of weed. It is up to each individual user to decide what the appropriate level of use is, but be aware that using heavily will likely result in psychological dependency.

  • Cancer – A large portion of the carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) known to cause cancer from smoking cigarettes also are present in marijuana smoke. Feelings around this fact are anywhere from alarmed to indifferent. The reason for indifference usually stems from the fact that tobacco users smoke much more than weed users, so the risk of lung cancer and other cancers are marginalized. Unfortunately, it is hard to get a clear consensus on this because weed is an illegal drug making long-term effect studies much harder to conduct.
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  • Infection - Smoking weed regularly will continuously irritate and erode throat an lung tissues, causing irritation and inflammation. Over long periods of time this can lead to more serious infections such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
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  • Psychosis – As was outlined in the short-term effects of weed, usage can greatly affect functions of the brain. There are several studies that conclude long-term usage can lead to substantial mental disorders such as schizophrenia. This is a very controversial issue as many who have examined these studies feel the scientific methods used to come to these conclusions are misleading or misused. That being said, users should be aware of both sides and weigh the information with their own discretion.