Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pain Alleviation Shown to Be Positive Impact of Cannabis Usage

Pain alleviation is amongst the most heavily invested in sectors of medical science these days. Tons of capital are thrown in additional research every year for the creation of modern, more efficient pain managing medicines. However, there is an effective alternative to today's medicine when it comes to relief of pain that's been around for many years.

The actual treatment I talk about is medicinal marijuana. Studies are emerging these days that show the efficacy of weed as an organic approach to relieve pain. This kind of news is especially pleasant for anybody who feels as though placing synthetic chemicals into their bodies to deal with their particular problems over a long period of time is detrimental towards their personal well being.

An Investigation to Figure Out Pain Relief Efficacy

One of the basic effects of cannabis continues to be its arousal in our internal cannabinoid system. Energizing this specific structure gives a large number of perks like mood control, hunger stimulation, and also the emphasis in this article, pain relief.

A report was carried out in 2010 led by Dr. Mark Ware and then published inside the Canadian Medical Association Journal to understand if cannabis genuinely does deliver relief of pain, and if so, just how successfully weed provides this.

The research had been accomplished through finding a standard of pain severity in people which endured persistent pain on an 11-point scale, supplying a dosage of THC over a 2-week period, and then deciding exactly what improvements had taken place in pain intensity. The research additionally attempted to detect any modifications in disposition, life quality, and ability to sleep.

After the trial run was over, researchers discovered that there was a statistically significant drop on pain levels coming from a rating of 6.1 to 5.4, a 0.7 reduction. This may seem relatively minimal, but bear in mind this specific rating is an average, and means for some people the actual decrease was likely much higher. The researchers furthermore discovered that individuals who were taking the highest potency THC dosage amounts experienced an easier time falling asleep as well as greater sleep quality. The analysis found no key differences in mood or quality of life.

Medical Cannabis Is A Pain Relief Alternative

Considering that the effects of cannabis on the body are primarily caused by the response of our cannabinoid structure towards THC along with other phytocannabinoids, it is easy to see why cannabis treats health problems so thoroughly. Pain relief is just one of its many health benefits, and this research brings further proof.

As this site moves forward, I'll continue to showcase analyses much like this one that additionally exhibit the advantages that medical cannabis can provide. I hope you can join me by simply commenting below and push a debate concerning the effects of marijuana.

Come to The Effects of Weed Network for additional information regarding the positive effects of weed and harmful effects of weed, a side-by-side look at indica vs sativa, and anything else having to do with marijuana.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Benefits of Marijuana Upon Appetite In Cancer Patients

One of the more easily seen and acknowledged effects of weed on our bodies is a development of desire for food. This effect has long been known empirically by various civilizations for centuries. Just over the last couple decades have researchers been able to begin identifying the biological process happening inside our body that causes this reaction. The process is really a stimulation of the inner cannabinoid structure over the usage of phytocannabinoids, primarily THC.

For many individuals, an elevated urge for food is often a dismissible issue at its worst, but for other people it may create positive results upon dietary well being and also drastically enhance life quality. The precise class I'm referring to is consumers of medical cannabis for the management of symptoms related to cancer. Whether the patient’s urge for food has been reduced directly from cancer or even if radiation treatment is the major reason, stimulating it through the consumption of cannabis can be of enormous comfort to cancer sufferers.

The Endocannabinoid Structure Inside of Us

Inside of the human body exists a system which has received a lot of study in recent times, the system of endocannabinoids. This particular system is a lot like the opioid structure, which has been under study for some time as well, in that the system flows through the entire human body and offers a multitude of health benefits including relief of pain and mood management when activated.

The body can use this system by way of its production of cannabinoids, and it does this effortlessly each time a certain demand arises that the cannabinoid structure can fulfill. Nevertheless, it can be activated through synthesization of exterior cannabinoids, or even more precisely, phytocannabinoids. Cannabis is known to be tightly concentrated in these powerful cannabinoids with the key effective chemical being THC.

Effectiveness for Cancer Sufferers

There are lots of scientific studies which focus on the positive results of cannabis on cancer patients, but I want to give attention to a study in particular published inside Annals of Oncology in Feb 2011. This research centered on variations in appetite and quality of life (QOL) in patients that used medicinal marijuana versus a placebo.

The results ended up fairly unsurprising and generally helped to confirm previously seen reactions, that is that weed is a successful enhancer of appetite. Calorie intake had been relatively unaffected, but sufferers insisted the meals they got “tasted better” which ensured that they could indulge in dishes that were normally objectionable prior, notably meat and healthy proteins. These conclusions are documented as improvements in QOL.

Additionally, the investigation demonstrated that rest and comfort were also elevated in cannabis consumers, which is also a significant increase in QOL. However, there was little evidence explaining whether these particular improvements were due to the cannabis or possibly more complete nourishment due to a heartier appetite.

Yet Another Benefit of Cannabis

Weed has been a sanctuary for those who are afflicted with lack of desire for food as well as lack of nutrition, and the analysis in this article additionally backs what can be viewed through the scope of common sense. As researchers consistently target the side effects of weed on our bodies, they are certain to uncover more rewarding breakthroughs which will help today's medicine better address the sufferers of weakening conditions like cancer. I hope you will continue with me in my conversation with regards to what the impact of cannabis really is on people and society.

Come to The Effects of Weed Network for additional information regarding the positive effects of weed and harmful effects of weed, a side-by-side look at indica vs sativa, and anything else having to do with marijuana.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Experience With Weed and The Impact On Anxiety and Panic

The side effects of marijuana have helped me personally with my panic attacks and anxiety, so I would like to discuss just how that's come about. But before I elaborate on that though, I must start with an important disclaimer.

There are numerous analyses indicating marijuana can be a potentially harmful drug for everyone who has a predisposition towards schizophrenia and other psychotic conditions. In the event you fit this particular category, you should take special care and consult with your physician if you're seriously insistent when it comes to consuming cannabis. It is your health in the end, protect it.

And now, here is the tale of my personal battle with anxiety and just how cannabis has essentially helped me to manage this issue.

Practicing To Achieve Perfection

Each individual has an innate ability for several things: math, language, creative thinking, etc. We can continue to improve these capabilities by means of training and application. It's because the mind favors repetition and performing actions multiple times assists us to execute these things again later on.

I realized inside my early twenties the fact that I inherited a strong development of anxiety. I cannot recall some special circumstance or difficulty that would trigger me to endure intense stress and anxiety or a panic disorder, however I currently acknowledge this situation as just a reality regarding myself and exactly how my own brain functions.

Applying this Principle

Occasionally, when using marijuana I experience severe panic and anxiety. This feeling is due to activation in the portion of the brain referred to as the amygdala, the region in the brain connected to these feelings. Combating this anxiousness will be the organizer of rational thought, the prefrontal cortex. This area persuades me through these panicky instances that this experience is a temporary discomfort and it will disappear in time. This idea calms me down and helps me to once again get a hold of myself.

And as I discussed before, with the aid of repetition we tend to become much better at performing. By reiterating this method through the use of cannabis, I have constructed a controlled environment to induce a panic attack. This approach offers me opportunities to apply relaxing myself by my own personal reasoning if my stress and anxiety begins to go rampant. It is a similar concept to exposure therapy, being put in a scenario where an individual must confront their anxieties and fears.

The Outcome

I have noticed that my panic attacks when employing this strategy are becoming much less severe, and I am much faster to put my thoughts back together again. Much more gratifying is that my panic during everyday situations has basically vanished. A large part of the recognition should be attributed to confronting the panic attacks created by consuming cannabis as well as understanding the skill sets needed to cope with them on my own terms.

I do not suggest this will work for everybody, and also I’m not stating everyone should get out there and cause panic and paranoia on themselves as a form of therapy. I’m only presenting my own practical experience, what's grown to be of it, and the reason it has been successful for me. I only hope it allows somebody who views this to find their very own inspiration and answers.

Come to The Effects of Weed Network for additional information regarding the positive effects of weed and harmful effects of weed, a side-by-side look at indica vs sativa, and anything else having to do with marijuana.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Effects of Weed On Mental Addiction

Addiction is often a terrifying word. Whenever examining the side effects of cannabis, a highly reported consequence is that relating to addiction. Knowing the definition of dependence is as important as understanding one’s self in determining whether addiction might be a concern.

Basic Principles of Addiction

Addiction can be split into two categories: psychological and physical. Physical dependency implies that a particular substance must be used for a person to function normally, and in absence of that drug, the individual will display symptoms of withdrawal.

On the other hand, psychological dependency focuses more on dependence on a process or behavior. Never practicing this particular routine will not create physical withdrawal symptoms, yet it will unquestionably make the individual feel like they aren’t at their best or can’t live ideally. Also keep in mind, behavioral addiction may be tied to any action, sometimes even certain activities apart from drug abuse, such as with sex dependency.

Addiction Due to Marijuana Use

Cannabis hasn't established itself as a drug that produces physiological addiction as in alcohol and heroin, but it displays signs that it could contribute to behavioral dependency. Users that state they do not feel normal or happy except if they are high is certainly one strong sign of this sort of dependence. Another would be an individual that chooses to use weed no matter what while at the same time pushing their goals, close friends, or loved ones aside.

I mentioned sex as being a source of possible addiction, but it's obvious that not everybody who has intercourse becomes addicted even if they love it and participate in it on a daily basis. It has much more to do with the amount that behavior consumes within somebody's daily life and also the choices they make around it.

Being addicted to weed, similar to sex, may have regular consumers who might have no noticeable addiction to it and little problem operating routinely inside its shortage. On the other hand, obviously, there are individuals who could be entirely swallowed through their addiction, and their main goal is usually finding that next hit.

No distinct formulation shows that someone could be hooked on marijuana, but, as stated, it appears to have much more emphasis on the level of priority marijuana represents in the user’s everyday life and deciding whether that is a suitable level. Since it has more in regards to tendencies and less on physiological side effects, psychological dependency becomes far more subjective and unique to each and every user.

Duty and Information Helps Prevent Weed Dependency

I personally consume weed every day, and I'm maintaining a careful eye on the effects of weed on my habits as a result. Am I moving away from my personal pursuits? Am I pushing back friends and loved ones? Am I losing sight of that which presents me with genuine contentment? These would be all issues I throw at myself often because it is my duty as a responsible user, not anyone else’s.

Everyone ought to take into account their use and judge if cannabis may be uncovering itself as a possible improvement or hindrance in their own personal lifestyles. Ultimately it is the responsibility of that individual user to achieve stability in their life through the span of their very own decisions, and the most effective decisions possess critical thinking as well as valuable knowledge backing them.

Come to The Effects of Weed Network for additional information regarding the positive effects of weed and harmful effects of weed, a side-by-side look at indica vs sativa, and anything else having to do with marijuana.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Analyses Indicate Negative Consequences of Weed Smoke on Respiratory System

Anybody who smokes any substance in any way could describe with no hesitation the discomfort and pain that's related to breathing combusted substances. The most apparent turmoil that occurs when smoking marijuana is indeed throat and lung irritation.

Lots of research has been done to discover the side effects of cannabis smoking to the respiratory system. The purpose of these research studies is to try to correctly find out what is occurring inside the body when smoke is breathed in as well as what sort of consequences this habit may present.

Research Has Shown Weed Smoking Inflicts Havoc on Respiratory System

A substantial research project was performed by Donald P. Tashkin, of UCLA School of Medicine, in 1997 regarding the problems that smoking marijuana carries on throat and lung structure as well as the respiratory system in its entirety. He thought that the particular risks of smoking cigarettes were well known and so tremendous that it might be a good idea to examine the second most widely smoked chemical substance, weed.

This study centered on two distinct forms of injury: cancer of the lung as well as infection. Where cancer is related, the study made a few assertions. Smoking weed leads to tar in the lungs just like tobacco will do and tar is proven to be an important participant to the development of cancer in the lungs. Additionally, the research expressed that a problem linked to marijuana is that it inhibits the body’s natural ability to treat on its own via the immunity process. This particular discovery is particularly unsettling information for many who are already affected by other illnesses that could be wearing down the immune system like people battling with AIDS.

I previously submitted an article about the results of cannabis on cancer that tackled this issue. I discovered that current scientific studies do concur with these conclusions that smoking weed may possibly promote the development of lung cancers and reduce the potency of the immune system. However, an emerging inclination is the study of the positive effects of cannabis to the system of cannabinoids which perhaps counteracts these two prospective dangers.

In regards to lung infections though, it’s evident as of this moment that smoking marijuana is often a leading component. When the researchers inspected throat and lung structures by bronchoscopy, they noticed that individuals who smoked marijuana daily had abnormally larger degrees of redness and irritation in both areas.

Furthermore, they evaluated the effects of marijuana within the population and found that frequent smokers have a greater chance of developing lung diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes health problems like bronchitis along with emphysema. This appeared to be due to erosion of healthy lung tissues, which in turn resulted in an increased chance of microbial infections.

Weed Smoke Inflicts Negative Effects on Respiratory system, Largely Avoidable

Although the unwanted effects of weed on cancers will still be very much arguable, it's tough to uncover scientific studies which will challenge the notion that smoking may, and probably would, cause respiratory system infection during a long period. Since the trauma is generally associated with the act of smoking and not marijuana by itself, a person might still see the advantages which weed and THC offer while at the same time decreasing the danger on the respiratory system by utilizing smoke free choices through consumption of weed consumables and vaporization.

Come to The Effects of Weed Network for additional information regarding the positive effects of weed and harmful effects of weed, a side-by-side look at indica vs sativa, and anything else having to do with marijuana.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Outcomes of Weed on Cancer Both Negative and Positive

A consistent controversy centers on the side effects of cannabis and its function in cancer advancement as well as treatment. As research is constantly published, it's regularly contradictory, therefore it can often be difficult to understand what exactly is truly happening within our bodies for that reason.

Several journals have referred to the belief that using marijuana may be of notable hindrance for the lungs and be a significant factor in the existence of tumors. Conversely, various other research comes to the realization that THC may be a shield from the development of cancer while also providing many other standard benefits at the same time.

This is an analysis of a few experiments regarding the search to discover the root solutions to what types of effects marijuana has on cancers. This is meant as motivation for individuals who consume cannabis to remain seeking out promising solutions mainly because in the long run it is the consumer who is experiencing those end results.

THC Shown to Lessen Natural Immunity Effectiveness

Guided by Dr. Prakash Nagarkatti of the University of South Carolina, a study was published last year (2010) in the European Journal of Immunology describing their team’s discoveries about the effects of THC on the immune system. They learned that THC possesses a suppressive influence on the immune system and its ability to battle diseases in the body. In other words, utilizing marijuana may have a detrimental impression on the struggle versus most cancers by further hindering the body’s power to target cancerous growths along with other dangerous cells.

Though that is a bit worrying to any person being affected by cancerous cells or any other severe infections, in which case the body's immune system is clearly important, it could be excellent news for people afflicted with an overactive immune system. For instance, this might reveal THC for being valuable in dealing with autoimmune conditions where the body assaults its own body cells or even in cases where patients have obtained a transplanted organ and desire to avoid refusal of the foreign organ.

THC Displayed as Catalyst for Cancerous Cell and Tumor Deterioration

In stark contrast, there exists a great deal of studies which indicate the positive effects of weed consist of benefits such as cancer threats and tumor growth becoming cut down tremendously with the usage of THC. An investigation inside the American Association for Cancer Research, 2007, discovered that lung cancer tumors had been cut down by up to 50% in size as well as weight whenever THC had been introduced to test subjects not to mention skin lesions were being lowered up to 60%. Though the study gave little or no apparent answer why, they suspected THC was probably interfering with the tumors’ capacity to maintain itself as well as thrive.

A different research project introduced by Guillermo Velasco of Complutense University in Spain reported inside the Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2009, that THC creates a place where tumors and cancer cells have little chance in growing. The research found out that brain tumors might be diminished or eliminated through the introduction of THC in the individual. Nonetheless, unlike the above mentioned study, this study indicated the explanation for the decline had to do with cell autophagy. In other words, THC was coaxing the body's cells to cannibalize the cancerous cells.

Studying Cannabis Effects is a Duty for the Consumer

Though it continues to be very much debatable about if the unfavorable effects of weed outweigh the positive, not to mention precisely what the true net outcome is going to be, progress will keep working to find fresh developments in the arena of marijuana use. The very best step you can choose is to remain attentive and stay informed, to help you guard not just yourself (if you're a consumer) but also potentially aid other people who could be impacted by misinformation.

Come to The Effects of Weed Network for additional information regarding the positive effects of weed and harmful effects of weed, a side-by-side look at indica vs sativa, and anything else having to do with marijuana.